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Citing Sources: APA

Articles - Basic format & examples

Article in printed magazine:
Author, A. A. (year, month day). Article title: Subtitle. Magazine TitleVol. number(issue number, if one), pages.

Glastris, P. (1990, May 7). The new way to get rich. U.S. News & World Report, 108(18), 26-36.

Magazine article found using Library database: 
Author, A. A.  (year, month day). Article title: Subtitle. Magazine TitleVol. number(issue number, if one), pages.

  •  APA no longer requires database information for citations to magazine, newspaper and journal articles retrieved from database. Example below same article as above but found in Academic Search Complete database.

Example (from Academic Search Complete database):
Glastris, P. (1990, May 7). The new way to get rich. U.S. News & World Report, 108(18), 26-36.

Magazine article found on the magazine website:
Author, A. A. (year, month day). Article title: Subtitle. Magazine Title, Vol. number(issue number, if one), pages. Retrieved from URL

Adler, J. (2007, December 24). The games of their lives. Newsweek, 150(26). Retrieved from

Article in printed scholarly / academic journal:
Author, A. A., & Author, B.B. (year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal TitleVol. number(issue number), pages. DOI, if one. 

  • For scholarly journals, include issue number only if each issue begins with page 1.  DOI=digital object identifier

Alegi, P. (2008). Rewriting patriarchal scripts: Women, labor, and popular culture in South African clothing industry beauty contests, 1970s-2005. Journal of Social History, 42(1), 31-56. 

​Scholarly article found using Library database:
Author, A. A., & Author, B.B. (year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal TitleVol. number(issue number), pages.  DOI. if one.

  • For scholarly journals, include issue number only if each issue begins with page 1. 
  • Include DOI, if one assigned to article. If no DOI assigned, include URL, using 'Retrieved from database' URL as in examples
  •  APA no longer requires database information for citations to magazine, newspaper and journal articles retrieved from database. Example below same article as above but found in MasterFile Premier database.

Example (from MasterFile Premier database):
Alegi, P. (2008). Rewriting patriarchal scripts: Women, labor, and popular culture in South African clothing industry beauty contests, 1970s-2005. Journal of Social History, 42(1), 31-56.

Article in printed newspaper:
Author, A. A. (year, month day). Article title: Subtitle. Newspaper Title, page numbers. 

  • use p. for single page; pp. for multiple pages; and for non-consecutive pages, separate with a comma and include all page numbers (e.g., pp. B1, B3, B5–B7).

Lewis, P. H. (1999, September 22). Digital dressing rooms and other new twists. The New York Times, p. G4.

Newspaper article found using Library database:
Author, A. A. (year, month day). Article title: Subtitle. Newspaper Title, page numbers.  

  • APA no longer requires database information for citations to magazine, newspaper and journal articles retrieved from database. Example below same article as above but found in Proquest: Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851-2013) database.

Example: (from Proquest: Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851-2013) database: 
Lewis, P. H. (1999, September 22). Digital dressing rooms and other new twists. The New York Times, p. G4.

Newspaper article found on the newspaper's website:

Author, A. A. (year, month day). Article title: Subtitle. Newspaper Title, page numbers.  Retrieved from URL

  • Use URL of home page when the online version of the article is available by search to avoid nonworking URLs.

Lewis, P. H. (1999, September 22). Digital dressing rooms and other new twists. The New York Times. Retrieved from

More tips

Authors: Author's last name, followed by initial or initials for first name and, if given, middle name/s

2 authors: List by last name of first author, initials of first and middle names (if given) of first author, ampersand "&," instead of "and" last name of second author, first and middle initials

Title of article and subtitle: use sentence case (capitalize first letter of first word of title and subtitle, and all proper nouns and names)

Title of periodical (journal, magazine): in italics and use title case (capitalize the first word and then all words except articles, conjunctions, and prepositions, BUT, if different, use capitalization provided by source) 

Volume number:  capitalized and italicized
Issue number: no space between volume and issue number; in parenthesis
page numbers, followed by a period.   
DOI, if available, If no DOI has been assigned and you are accessing the periodical online, use the URL of the website from which you are retrieving the periodical 

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