Check out our OneSearch guide for more tips, tricks, and examples.
OneSearch is our all-in-one search tool, which allows you to search print and e-books, electronic resources, digital collections and more, all in one place.
Search for journals, articles, books, magazines, and newspapers, all in one search! Type a keyword or phrase into the search bar and click the magnifying glass to perform the search.
Searching will bring you to the results page of OneSearch, where you can sign in, apply search filters, click on titles to see full details, pin items to your Favorites, and more.
Search millions of resources, including print books, e-books, articles, images, magazine titles, and more.
Select this option is you want to access articles and ebooks from our online subscriptions.
This search does not include most market research databases (Mintel, Passport, etc) or any trendforecasting (WGSN, Fashion Snoops). Here's a complete list of exceptions.
Search materials and textbooks selected by FIT faculty for use in specific courses.
Search for books and other materials (look books, magazines by title) that physically reside at our library.
Search items in our Special Collections and FIT College Archives, including fashion sketches, photographic prints, rare books, and oral histories, as well as materials related to the history of the institution. For digital access to some of these materials, visit SPARC Digital
Expand your search beyond our online and physical collections, including libraries outside of the SUNY system. Perfect for graduate student and faculty researchers.
If you are looking for a little serendipitous discovery from the comfort of your own home, we have two tools that can help with this.
First, the OneSearch Homepage has two carousels that show the covers of our most recently acquired books. One focuses on print books and the other on ebooks. In between we even have a video montage of recent magazine covers for further inspiration.
Option two is that OneSearch also has a Virtual Browse feature. Available at the bottom of each OneSearch entry for a physical item in our collection, this tool allows you to see what is next to that item on our shelves.