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Lighting and Daylighting

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Lighting & Daylighting (Books)


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Note: Explore these databases independently since OneSearch does NOT include Home Furnishings Retailers Database - Chain Store Guide, Materials Connexion and WGSN - Lifestyle & Interiors

Lighting Subject Terms

Click any of the Subject Search or Keyword Search links below to see books and additional results in OneSearch, the FIT Library Catalog.

Be aware that searching for "illumination" provides results related to typography and illumination (illustrations) in books and manuscripts as well as lighting.

"Lighting" as a subject specifically pertains to light in the built environment of interior design and architecture.

"Light in Art" as a subject provides titles for light used in visual media (stage, paintings, exhibitions, illustrations, moving images, etc.).

Subject Searches in OneSearch:

Keyword Searches (found in the title, description and subject):

Discussions on Lighting

Lighting Articles in Magazines (Databases)

History of Lighting

E.F. Caldwell Antique Lighting (Waldorf Astoria)     Caldwell Lighting -- Waldorf Astoria Hotel

Waldorf Astoria Hotel (NYC); Large Binder 27, Page 5; Brackets and Lanterns; SIL-LB027005, and Large Binder 30 Page 31; Ceiling Fixtures; SIL-LB030031 (Smithsonian Libraries » Digital Collections » Shedding Light on New York - Edward F. Caldwell & Co.)

Magazines on Lighting (Online)

Professional Lighting Organizations