Use these tools to identify articles that need better citations or have broken links.
What's your passion? Start with what you know and love and then look for articles that need help. Take a look at the ideas below.
You can also take a look at our list of Suggested Pages to Edit on the our Wikipedia Meet-Up page.
When you see a Message Box like this one, it is a sure sign that an article needs some TLC.
A stub is an article in Wikipedia that has been marked as being too short. Stubs can be found by searching Wikipedia in the following manner:
WP: Stub Topic
There are a number of WikiProjects and Portals on Wikipedia that you can visit to get idea of what articles are being requested and which ones need work.
Use the following link to find other WikiProject spaces and run an analysis of article quality:
The easiest way to get started on Wikipedia is by choosing small, approachable projects. But, these can be tough to find on your own. If you want to hone your editing skills without searching out projects, check out the Community Portal, which offers a wide range of suggested projects from fixing spelling/grammar errors to adding references.
The Community Portal is also a great place to find help, learn more about other WikiProjects and exchange peer editing services.
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