A tool for sourcing and evaluating potential digital and mobile advertising vendors globally. It can also be used for tradition print and broadcast media if media source also has a digital / mobile entity. i.e. The New York Times has NYTimes.com & NYTimes mobile apps. Not good for local newspapers or stations.
We do not currently have this database, which is an industry standard It can be used onsite at the New York Public Library research division libraries.
A comprehensive database of media and marketing information. Covers traditional media — such as magazines, newspapers, television, and radio — as well as alternative marketing opportunities such as online, out-of-home, and direct marketing. Catalogs more than 60,000 media properties in all.
Editorial Calendars/Press Kits of Major Newspapers
An editorial calendar is the listing of planned themes and features for upcoming issues of a newspaper (magazine or blog). It can be used by advertisers to plan and target their spending.