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Where to find: Flats

Definition: flats (technical flats, tech sketches, flat drawings, flat sketches) - Specialized two-dimensional drawings, drawn to scale, that may show design details and include sewing and construction information; black & white drawing of garment as if laid flat. (from Technical Sourcebook for Designers and Designers Nexus)

Sketch of a dress

Flats can be found in the following databases (FIT username & password required):

WGSN (Fashion)  : 

  • From Menu, select 'Design Resources' and then under 'Design Components' select > 'CADS/Flats'   Refine your choices by Category, Market, Classification, Keywords, and/or Season/Month.  OR
  • From Menu, select a 'Fashion categories' (such as Womenswear); then, by season, 'Future Trends' to find flats in 'Key items' and 'Design Development' sections as well as under 'Product Development'.  OR
  • Use the search box to find flats:  type in search term (e.g. bra) and change drop-down from 'All Content' to 'Image & Design Library'.  Perform search and then 'refine search'  under Category to 'Flats Library'

Doneger  :

  • Select 'Publications' tab; then 'Design Workshop'

Fashion Snoops :

  • Select Graphic Library:
    • Select 'Sketches' and 'Click to view.' Scroll down to view or Refine search, if desired, with 'Market', 'Sketch type', 'Related keywords.'
    • OR set 'Search for' to 'Sketches' and add search term for item (e.g. bra); note that you can refine your search by 'Market', 'Sketch type', or 'Related keywords'.  OR
  • Select tab for category (e.g. 'Women')
    • Select tab for 'Sketches' (works for most categories)

Remember to cite your source, whether it's for an image or text. For help, see the Citing Sources: MLA Research Guide.

Video Guide to Finding Flats & Sketches

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