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Interior Design History and Theory

-- Designers, Periods, Styles, Trends, Research, Theory

Forecasting and Trends Forecasting & Trends (Image)

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FIT Databases Subscription & Electronic resources (ebooks and databases) require current FIT username and password for access. Internet resources are available to all users.

Interior Design Trends, Forecasts and Marketing (Online)

Current Print Forecasts Title List

These Forecasts are restricted to current FIT students, faculty and staff. Visitors may only view the past issues of these forecasts. 

The Current Seasons are S/S 2023, F/W 2023/24, and S/S 2024.

(Please note: we may not have each forecast for each season. If we do not have the forecast you requested, we will ask if you would like to see the forecast from a different season or substitute a different forecast from the same season)

Who can use the Forecasts

Please Note:

  • Use of these services is restricted to the Forecast Area located in the FIT Periodicals and Electronic Resource Services Unit.
  • Current Forecasts are restricted to current FIT students, faculty, and staff. Please see "How to request forecasts" page for more information.
  • Older forecasts are not restricted and may be used by all Library visitors with an appointment. Please see "How to request forecasts" page for more information.
  • Click "more" for title information. Click on title for library catalog record. See the record or Finding Aid for holdings information. Titles in red are titles for which the Library has current seasons.

Material Trend & Innovations

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