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Zotero: Citation Manager

Zotero is a free citation management tool that collects, stores and creates citations for your research

Zotero Account Syncing

Before you begin collecting sources, you'll want to configure your Zotero Preferences

  • Click on the the Edit menu and select Preferences
  • Select the Sync tab to login using your Zotero username and password. 

  • Click Setup Syncing and keep the default selections that appear in the next dialog box. This will allow you to sync your Zotero cloud library with the desktop application from any computer with an internet connection.

Installing the Microsoft Word Plug-in

  • Open the Zotero desktop application and select the Edit menu
  • From the Edit menu select Preferences
  • Select Cite from the Preferences dialog box
  • Select the Word Processors menu
  • Select Install (Reinstall) Microsoft Word Add-on

Word Plug-in Selection

Citation Style Preference

  • Set up default citation style
  • Click on the Cite tab on the Preferences dialog box. 
  • Select preference citation style from the list  preferences dialog box for citation style