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CM 442 Global Brand Management

Suggested Databases

Suggested paths for this part of the assignment;
  • Economies > Business Dynamics >  Country Reports
    e.g. Business Dynamics: Chile (Country Report  20 Jul 2018)
  • Consumers >Digital Consumer >Country Reports
    e.g. Digital Landscape: Philippines

Other Suggested Sources

Why we like these resources:

  • trusted sources: some combination of acknowledgement as expert in their field, been around a long time, etc
  • recent information
  • methodology or other detailed explanations

How to find similar information:

  • look for official government sources from the country you're researching
  • NGOs (non-governmental organizations) may have a more open perspective--and often a global/comparative one, too--compared to governmental sources. But d a quick background check/Google search on any organization whose info you want to use so you know what their slant (or possibly hidden agend) might be
  • a mix of both is great!

WORLD BANK : Several data sources and analysis portals, including