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Finding Online Textbooks and Other eBooks

Search Tips

ebook To Search for Your Book

  • Use the CTRL + F function on your keyboard (Cmd + F for Macs).
  • Do NOT use the search box in the upper right corner.  (It will just direct you back to the same page.)

Trouble logging in?

  • Try clearing your browsers cache or opening a window in incognito mode (Ctrl + Shift + N for Windows)  (⌘ + Shift + N for Mac).
  • In Bloomsbury, do not click on links that say "Buy this Book" or "Sign Up".  (Those will log you out.)
  • Some titles in the EBSCOhost database can only be used by one person at a time.  (One way to know for sure is if there is a note on the Online Textbook Guide under your book saying "One user at a time".)  You may have to log back out and try later.
  • If you are still having issues you can visit our Database Troubleshooting Guide for more solutions or let us know about the issue at Ask the Library.

*We are currently experiencing tech issues with some of our ebooks. As a workaround please open the links below in an incognito web browser.  (How do I open an incognito browser?) 

Online Textbooks Alphabetical by Title

Download Tips

DownloadTrying to Download a Book?

  • For a Bloomsbury Fashion Central Book: You cannot download an entire book but you can save chapters as PDF files. 
    • Open the book and click on a chapter title to open the chapter.
    • Click on the "Print" option at the top of the page.
    • Select "Save as PDF" as the print destination and the file will save to your computer.
  • For an EBSCOhost Book: You can download up to 100 pages at a time. 
    • Open the book and click on the "PDF Full Text" link in the panel on the left.
    • A new page will open, click on "Save Pages" in the top left corner.
    • Input the number of pages you wish you download.
    • Click "Save PDF" and the file will save to your computer.
    • More info available in the step-by-step guide.
  • For a Credo Reference Book: You cannot download an entire book but you can save passages and print to PDF.
    • Open the book and click the bookmark icon to save a section. You can save multiple sections in a chapter and print them all to one PDF document. As you save sections you will see the number of saved sections appear in the top right corner next to "Saved Items". 
    • When you are ready to print to PDF, click on the "Saved Items" link at the top right corner.
    • On the "My Saved Results" page
      • under "Action" click on "Print PDF"
      • under "Format" click on "Full Text" 
      • under "Send" click "Go"
    • You will then have a PDF version of all your saved sections that you can download, print or save.

Linking to a Textbook

Need to email a textbook link to someone or add it to Blackboard?  Here is how to save a link from this guide:

  • Right click on the book's title (or Ctrl + Click) to bring up the pop-up menu. 
  • Then click "Copy Link Address". Paste the link wherever you need it.

Copy Textbook Link

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