Presentation by Mercedes Gonzalez of The Global Purchasing Group, founded "to help retail stores become more competitive and maximize their potential". She often speaks at seminars at the New York Public Library. A related presentation is available at
Additional shorter videos by this speaker at her YouTube channel, nyfashionbuyer
Buckley, Ravel. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Starting and Running a Thrift Store. New York : Alpha Books, 2010.
Main Stacks HF5482.4 .B924 2010
Finell, Dorothy. The Specialty Shop : How to Create Your Own Unique and Profitable Retail Business
New York : AMACOM, c2007.
Main Stacks HF5429 .F497 2007
Schroeder, Carol L. Specialty shop retailing : everything you need to know to run your own store. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Main Stacks HF5429 .S35565 2007
Start a fashion retail business. New York, NY : WeConnectFashion, [2014]
Online:FIT user name and password required to access.
Ander, Willard N., and Neil Z. Stern. Winning at retail : developing a sustained model for retail success
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2004.
Main Stacks HF5429 .A655 2004
Bond, Ronald L. Retail in Detail. 3rd ed. [Irvine, CA] : Entrepreneur Press, 2005.
Main Stacks HF5429 .B6116 2005
Engle, Janet. How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Retail Business. Ocala, FL: Atlantic Pub., 2007.
Main StacksHF5429 .E4557 2007
Granger, Michele, and Tina Sterling Fashion entrepreneurship : retail business planning. 2nd ed. New York : Fairchild Publications, c2012.
Main Stacks HF5429 .G665 2012
Handbook of Jewelry Store Management. Radnor, PA: Jewelers’ Circular Keystone, 1985.
Main Stacks HD 9747.A2 H36 1985
Israel-Curley, Marcia. Defying the Odds : Sharing the Lessons I Learned as a Pioneer Entrepreneur.
Woodstock, NY : Overlook Press, 2002.
Main Stacks HB615 .I75 2002
Regni, Rosalie Jackson. Entrepreneurship in Action : A Retail Store Simulation. New York: Fairchild, 2009.
Main Stacks HF5439.C6 R44 2009
Samli, A. Coskun. Up against the retail giants: targeting weakness, gaining an edge. Mason, OH: Thomson, 2004.
Main Stacks HF5429 .S277 2004
Schroeder, Carol L. Specialty shop retailing : everything you need to know to run your own store.
3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Main Stacks HF5429 .S35565 2007
Segel.Rick. Retail business kit for dummies. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2008.
Main Stacks HF5429 .S43 2008
Stanyon, Jack. Challenges of the future : the rebirth of small independent retail in America. Washington, DC : NRF Foundation, [2005].
Main Stacks HF5429.3 .S73 2005
Available online at
United States. Internal Revenue Service. Retail industry: audit technique guide (ATG).
[Washington. DC] : IRS, [2005].
Main Stacks KF 6314 .I57 2006
2009 edition available online (NOTE as of 12/21/15 "The Retail Industry ATG (Revision 2/2009) is being revised. The old ATG has been removed and the new ATG will be posted as soon as it is completed and approved for publication")