Why? Very current,
many different perspectives & opinions, very specific topic coverage, easy
and cheap to find information.
Why not? Internet information may -- or may not
-- be reliable, authoritative. Hard to tell who or why someone writes about a
topic. Information online may be changed frequently (e.g.
Use the other FIT Library’s research guides as starting-off points on various topics such as Business, Careers, or Textile Industry.
Need more help with an Internet search? Ask the Library: by chat, email, in person, or by phone.
A WEBSITE can be anything--reliable, misleading, informative, confusing--that someone puts on the Internet. Use some of these tips to help decide if a website you find can give you the information you need, especially if you are looking for material for a research paper or project.
DATABASES, as the word is used in most libraries, refers to sites that usually:
When your professor says to use materials other than just websites for your research --in an effort to expand where you might tend to look on your own--they probably doesn't mean to exclude library databases. Ask them to clarify, and/or ask us if you're not sure!