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Finding Books and Ebooks

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Subject headings vs. tags vs. keyword / free text searches
Remember the subject heading is Clothing trade rather than Apparel or Fashion industry; try searching Clothing trade Management

What wording should I use to find the most relevant books?  What's the difference between Subject headings vs. tags vs. keyword / free text searches.  For more subject headings/tags , see the Research Guide: Subject Terms.  

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

Would you like to be able to request any circulating item from any library AND have it sent to campus and held just for you?
Of course you would!  Our Interlibrary Loan service lets you request materials from other libraries and it is seamlessly integrated into the OneSearch system - simply use the drop-down menu to search Other Libraries.

Google Books

Google Books can work as an index to the millions of books that Google  has scanned. Sometimes, you can see the whole book online, but more often you'll just find out if a topic you're looking for is covered in a book that you might not have considered. If you do find something useful, you can check to see if the FIT Library has the book, or ask us for more ideas

Google Books also has some magazines online such as New York Magazine and Newsweek. Like the books included, sometimes you can find the whole issue and article just a click away, and sometimes you have to keep going a little more to get the information you want.

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