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Fashion Merchandising - Precollege

Fashion Buying

undefinedClothing buyers purchase the clothes that people see displayed in their favorite stores. They work with professionals in the fashion industry to bring apparel products to the customers. Many consider the job of a fashion buyer to be a glamorous position, but in truth it can be pretty mundane. Only a small percentage of buyers ever meet a celebrity or even go to a fashion show. Despite the lack of notoriety, a position as a clothing buyer can be interesting.

Fashion Buyers of Note:

Marigay McKee former buyer for Harrods

John Skelton formerly from Selfridge's and Harrod's now running LNCC

Candice Fargis formerly of Net-a-Porter 

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

What does a buyer do?

Online Trend Services

Fashion buyers often turn to trend forecasting services, to make their buying decisions. Retail buyers need to be aware of future trends in generally but pay particular attention to more developed forecasting reports, predictions of key apparel items, what's happening on the runway, at trade shows and the current retail environment

undefinedTake a look at our Trend Forecasting Database Playlist on YouTube for more information