The FIT Library owns hundreds of books on the art, architecture, painting, sculpture, and decorative arts of India. Use StyleCat to look for them.
Meanwhile, you can start with titles below:
Many articles found through the databases below are available in full-text online. However, if one shows only a citation or abstract, try suggestions in the "When you can't find the whole article" box on Art History and Fine Arts Research Guide. You may also find more article research ideas available on this guide.
To create FIT Library link for full text, click on Settings on upper right, then select Library links on left. Type “fashion institute of technology” & hit the search button; select ‘FIT’ as well as ‘Open WorldCat’ by checking boxes next to Library names; click on ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page. You're ready to search!
Google Scholar will provide links to online full-text of some search results. A portion of those full-text results may be available through FIT databases; to access these, an FIT username and password is required.
These databases feature downloadable, high resolution images of art works. For more help finding an image, see the Art History & Fine Art's Image research page.
Digital library of art images from museums and other institutions.
Registration for an individual account is required for some features.