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ED 591 Exhibition and Experience Design Thesis: Directed Research

How can I get research materials that FIT does not own?

Start your search in OneSearch; it will identify possible locations (within the SUNY system) that have the item you are seeking, and will usually allow you to place requests for those items even if it will be fulfilled by another library.

Materials at--or from--other libraries

Identifying and finding books at other libraries :  OneSearch and WorldCat

  • TIP: You can use the same subject headings that you used to search OneSearch to find similar books in other libraries' collections

Identifying and finding theses and dissertations :

  • WorldCat Dissertations (FIT login required)
    Try "dissertations, academic" combined with the topic/field of study as a subject heading; the results will include both masters' theses and doctoral dissertations..
  • For theses of previous years' FIT students (all programs, including Exhibition Design), use FIT Institutional Repository

Interlibrary loan:  OneSearch

Visiting other libraries:

  • NYPL (New York Public Library, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island)
  • BPL (Brooklyn Public Library) 
  • QPL (Queens Library)
  • Museum libraries in NYC -- Details from another FIT Library Research Guide
  • METRO (academic libraries in the NYC metro area); speak to a librarian about regulations/procedures for visiting other college/university libraries.


Online Access to Other Libraries' Content

All three public library systems in NYC offer full in-person and online access to anyone who lives, works, and/or attends school/university in the state of  New York. There's a huge overlap of what each system offers--and many of the databases are already available to you through FIT--but look around to see if there's anything interesting! 

If you don't already have a card(s):

Step one: Apply for a card for any of these systems

Step two: If you apply online, follow any additional instructions for validation/full access. Some systems only grant limited or temporary use initially and then you must visit one of the libraries in person to complete the process.

Step three: Use what you want!

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