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Teaching Business and Labor History to Art & Design Students

Recommended Books on Business and Labor History

General Materials on Business and Labor History

Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor

Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor

5th fl. -- Main Stacks HD8066 .H57 2004 Library Use 
Also available in Electronic Format

The Visible Hand

The Visible Hand : The Managerial Revolution in American Business

5th fl. -- Main Stacks HF5343 .C584 Regular Loan 

Duncan Phyfe : Master Cabinetmaker in New York

Duncan Phyfe : Master Cabinetmaker in New York

5th fl. -- Main Stacks NK2439.P5 K46 2011 

The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility

The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility

Electronic Resource HD60 .A225 2010eb Electronic res. 

Sewing Hope

Sewing Hope : How One Factory Challenges the Apparel Industry’s Sweatshops

 5th fl. -- Main Stacks TT498 .A35 2017 Regular Loan 

Searching Labor and Business History

SearchLabor History and Business are broad topics.  If you do want an overview on the topic here are some suggested search terms to use in StyleCat:

Labor History

Business & Economics/ Labor 

Labor policy

Labor unions

Clothing trade -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 20th century

Strikes and lockouts - New York (State) - New York - History - 20th Century