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Forecast Collection in Periodicals

A comprehensive guide to the FIT Library's Forecast Collection: Current and Historical

Below you will find:

  • A finding aid that includes all forecasts in the collection for this subject.
  • An alphabetical list of all the companies that include coverage of  this subject. Click the title for the catalog record and holdings information. Click more for a list of titles included as well as their subject categories. Click on the Finding Aid for a spreadsheet of the company and it's various titles. Titles in red are titles for which the Library has current seasons.
  • (Some forecasts may cover more than one subject.)

Color Specifiers

Please note: FIT students and personnel do not need an appointment to view the color specifiers, except Coloro.  Coloro books are restricted to class use in the forecast area only. Pantone Color Fans may be checked out for 2 hour use in the library. Pantone books, ColorWall Books, and Sophicolor books must be used in the restricted Forecast Area. 

Visitors need an appointment to look at any forecasting material, including color specifiers, and may not look at current forecasts. 


Companies that include Color Trends 

Create Color Palettes FROM a color or an image