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Interior Design Materials and Technology

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Materials & Surface Finishes

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Visit the IDMLab (Interior Design Materials Lab), 6th floor of the Gladys Marcus Library | Goodman Resource Center (enter via the 5th floor)
Material Connexions Feb 2018 New MaterialsImage from Material ConneXion 2.26.2018 blog
5 Materials You Need to Know About Now: February

Materials & Surface Finishes (Books)

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Material Sample Resources

Fabric Science -- Textiles for Interiors

Read more about Textiles for Interiors (Residential and Commercial)

See Chapter 14 in Johnson, Ingrid, et al. J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science. 11th edition., Bloomsbury, 2016, p 272–305

  • "To understand the interior furnishings industry and its marketing structure."
  • "To know the terminology used in the interior furnishings industry."
  • "To be knowledgeable of and able to evaluate the performance characteristics of the various fabrics used for the major end-use categories in the interior furnishings market."

News and Resources (online) - Materials

Texture Image Sources

Books on Materials

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