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Interior Design History and Theory

-- Designers, Periods, Styles, Trends, Research, Theory


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Search OneSearch using the following Interior Design & Architecture Subject Terms


Apartment houses Designs and plans

Architect-designed houses Designs and plans

Architecture Domestic Environmental aspects

Architecture Domestic Remodeling

Art in interior decoration

Art in interior decoration History


Barrier free design  Law and legislation

Barrier-free design for older people

Bars Drinking establishments Decoration

Bars Drinking establishments Design and construction

Building Details Drawings

Building Details Standards

Buildings Environmental engineering

CAD/CAM systems

Classrooms Designs and plans

Clothes closets

Color guides

Color in interior decoration

Color in interior decoration Standards

See also headings such as: Color ; Colors ; Colors Psychological aspects ; White in interior decoration

Commercial catalogs

Communication in design

Computer-aided design


Decoration and ornament

   See also headings such as: Decoration and ornament Empire style ; Decoration and ornament Rustic


Design 20th century

Design 21st century

Design Handbooks manuals

Design History

Design Human factors

Design Philosophy

Design Themes motives

Design and technology

Design Industrial

Design Industrial Contracts

Design services

Design services Marketing

Designers 21st century

Designers Portraits

Domestic space

Domestic space in art

Draperies in interior decoration


Dwellings Psychological aspects

Dwellings Remodeling

Dwellings Remodeling Amateurs' manuals

Feng shui

Finishes and finishing

Fireproofing agents

Fireproofing agents Environmental aspects

Fireproofing of fabrics

Flower arrangement in interior decoration

Found objects Art in interior decoration


See also: Arts and crafts gardens ; Garden ornaments and furniture ; Garden rooms ; Garden structures ; Green roofs Gardening ; Greenhouses ; Indoor gardening ; Indoor gardens ; Interior landscaping ; roof gardening ; Swimming pools



Health facilities Decoration

Home economics Dictionaries

Hotel lobbies

Hotels Decoration

House furnishings

House furnishings industry and trade

Housing and health

Industrial arts

Industrial design

Industrial design Forecasting

Industrial design History 20th century

Industrial design History 21st century

Industrial designers

Industrial designers Biography

Industrial equipment in interior decoration

Interior architecture

Interior architecture Conservation and restoration

Interior architecture Decision making Problems exercises etc.

Interior architecture Design

Interior architecture Designs and plans

Interior architecture Environmental aspects

Interior architecture Estimates

Interior architecture Philosophy

Interior architecture Psychological aspects

Interior architecture Social aspects

Interior architecture Standards

Interior decoration

Interior decoration African influences

Interior decoration Amateurs manuals

Interior decoration Caricatures and cartoons

Interior decoration Computer aided design

Interior decoration Design

Interior decoration Designs and plans

Interior decoration Economic aspects

Interior decoration English influences

Interior decoration Environmental aspects

Interior decoration Estimates

Interior decoration European influences

Interior decoration Forecasting

Interior decoration France History 18th century Influence

Interior decoration France History 21st century

Interior decoration Handbooks manuals etc.

Interior decoration Health aspects

Interior decoration History

Interior decoration History 18th century

Interior decoration History 19th century

Interior decoration History 20th century

Interior decoration History 21st century

Interior decoration Human factors

Interior decoration Management

Interior decoration Marketing Handbooks manuals etc.

Interior decoration Philosophy

Interior decoration Practice

Interior decoration Practice Economic aspects

Interior decoration Psychological aspects

Interior decoration Standards

Interior decoration Standards Handbooks manuals etc.

Interior decoration Themes, motives

Interior decoration Vocational guidance

Interior decoration accessories

Interior decoration firms

Interior decoration firms Management

Interior decoration firms Management Handbooks manuals etc.

Interior decoration firms Practice

Interior decoration in art

Interior decoration in literature

Interior decoration rendering

Interior decoration rendering Technique

  See also: Architectural drawing ; Architectural rendering ; Architecture Domestic Designs and plans ; Mechanical drawing ; Tinting

Interior decorators

Interior decorators Biography

Interior decorators Homes and haunts

Interior decorators Psychology

Interior decorators Selection and appointment

See also: Women interior decorators

Light in architecture

Lighting Architectural and decorative


Mirrors in architecture

Motion picture actors and actresses Homes and haunts

New products Design

Office buildings Design and construction

Office buildings Environmental aspects

Office decoration

Office layout

Office layout Psychological aspects

Offices Design

Offices Design and construction

Offices Designs and plans

Older people Dwellings

Outdoor living spaces

Pattern books

Personal space

Personal space Psychological aspects

Photography of interiors

Plastics in interior decoration

  See also: Laminated plastics

Play environments Design and construction

Plumbing History

Prefabricated interior architecture

Public buildings Barrier free design

Repetitive patterns Decorative arts in interior decoration

Restaurants Decoration

Restaurants Design Themes motives

Retro Style

Room layout Dwellings

Room layout Dwellings Designs and plans

Salvage (Waste, etc.) in interior decoration

Shelter magazines

Sick building syndrome Prevention

Small houses Decoration

Small houses Designs and plans

Small rooms

Small rooms Decoration

Space Architecture

Stencil work

Storage in the home

Store decoration

Structural drawing

Taverns Inns

Television Stage setting and scenery

Textile fabrics in interior decoration

Texture in interior decoration

Texture painting

Theaters Stage setting and scenery


Universal design

Upper class Dwellings Designs and plans

Victoriana in interior decoration

Visionary architecture

Visual perception

See also: Form perception ; Pattern Perception ; Perspective ; Space perception

White in interior decoration


Windows in interior decoration

     See also: Cornices ; Draperies ; Lattice windows ; Valances (Windows) ; Window shades.

Women interior decorators

Women interior decorators Homes and haunts

Work design

Work environment Psychological aspects


See also headings such as:

Cooper-Hewitt Museum

Expo (International Exhibitions Bureau)

Fashion designers Homes and haunts

Formica Corporation

Home economics

House cleaning

Material ConneXion Firm

Nihon Interia Dezaina Kyokai

Scalamandré (Firm)

Trading spaces Television program

Triennale Design Museum Milan Italy

Work environment


For ergonomics see:  Human engineering ; Human comfort



Air-supported structures

Apartment houses

Apartment houses Cooperative

Apartment houses Designs and plans

Apartment houses Remodeling


Apartments Designs and plans

Apartments Remodeling for other use

Architect-designed decorative arts

Architect-designed furniture

Architect-designed houses

Architect-designed houses Designs and plans


Architects Biography

Architects In-service training

Architects Interviews

Architects Legal status laws

Architects Malpractice    

Architects Portraits

     See also: Women architects

Architects and housing developers

Architects and patrons

Architects in government

Architects and patrons

Architectural acoustics

Architectural contracts

Architectural design

Architectural design 21st century

Architectural design Computer simulation

Architectural design Data processing

Architectural design Decision making Problems exercises etc.

Architectural design Methodology

Architectural design Philosophy

Architectural design Technique

Architectural drawing

Architectural drawing Exhibitions

Architectural drawing Technique

  See also headings such as Architectural drawing 18th century.

Architectural firms

Architectural historians

Architectural inscriptions

Architectural ironwork

Architectural metal-work

Architectural models

Architectural photography

Architectural practice

Architectural practice International

Architectural practice United States

Architectural rendering

Architectural rendering Technique

Architectural services marketing

Architectural technicians

Architectural terra-cotta

Architectural terra-cotta Designs and plans

Architectural woodwork

Architectural writing


Architecture Aesthetics

Architecture Competitions

Architecture Composition proportion etc.

Architecture Computer-aided design

Architecture Conservation and restoration

Architecture Business community participation

Architecture Data processing

Architecture Designs and plans

Architecture Details

Architecture Details Salvaging

Architecture Domestic

Architecture Domestic Arid regions

Architecture Domestic Designs and plans

Architecture Domestic Environmental aspects

Architecture Domestic Remodeling

Architecture Domestic in art

Architecture Environmental aspects

Architecture Exhibitions

Architecture Forecasting

Architecture Graphic methods

Architecture Guidebooks

Architecture Health aspects

Architecture History

Architecture Human factors

Architecture Language

Architecture Mathematics

   See also: Golden section

Architecture Modern 19th century

Architecture Modern 20th century

Architecture Modern 21st century

Architecture Mutilation defacement

Architecture Orders

Architecture Philosophy

Architecture Presentation drawings

Architecture Psychological aspects

Architecture Research

Architecture Sketchbooks

Architecture Study and teaching

Architecture Technological innovations

Architecture Terminology     

     See also ethnic groups subdivided by Architecture such as: Pueblo Indians Architecture

Architecture and children

Architecture and climate

   See also: Architecture, Arid regions ; Architecture and climate Cold regions

Architecture and cosmology

Architecture and energy conservation

Architecture and history

Architecture and literature

Architecture and religion

Architecture and science

Architecture and society  

Architecture and solar radiation

Architecture and state

Architecture and technology

Architecture and technology 21st century

Architecture and the aged

  See also: Life care communities Design and construction ; Retirement communities Design and construction.

Architecture and the handicapped

Architecture and the physically handicapped

Architecture and women

Architecture in motion pictures

Art and architecture

Art centers Designs and plans

Art museum architecture

Artists and architects

Barrier free design Law and legislation


Brick wall signs


Building Details

Building Details Drawings

Building Estimates

Building Adobe

Building Brick

Building Conservation and restoration

Building Designs plans

Buiding Details

Building Energy conservation

Building Environmental engineering

Building Fireproof

Building Iron and steel

Building Remodeling for other uses

Building Repair reconstruction

Building Specifications

Building Stone

Building Stormproof

Building Wooden

Building fittings

Building-integrated photovoltaic systems

     See also:  Photovoltaic power generation

Building laws

Building materials

Building materials Environmental aspects

Building sites

Building stones


Buildings Electric equipment

Buildings Environmental engineering

Buildings Mechanical equipment

Buildings Performance

Buildings Portable

Buildings Prefabricated

     See also: Prefabricated houses

Buildings Remodeling for other use

Buildings Repair and reconstruction

Buildings Temporary


CAD/CAM systems



Cast-iron fronts Architecture

Church architecture

Church buildings

City and town life Forecasting

City planning

City planning Computer simulation

Classicism in architecture

Cobblestone buildings

Colonial revival Architecture

Color in architecture

Columns Corinthian

Columns Doric

Columns Ionic

Commercial buildings Lighting

Communication in architectural design

Composite materials

Computer aided design

Concrete construction

Construction contracts

Construction industry

Contractors operations

Contracts for work and labor

Crime prevention and architectural design


Decoration and ornament Architectural

Dry stone walls


Dwellings Access for the physically handicapped

Dwellings Barrier-free design

Dwellings Design and construction

Dwellings Energy conservation

Dwellings Environmental engineering

Dwellings Lighting

Dwellings Maintenance and repair

Dwellings Psychological aspects

Dwellings Remodeling

     See also headings such as: Upper classes Dwellings ; Disaster victims Dwellings ; Older people Dwellings ; Middle class Dwellings ; etc.

Dwellings in art

Earth sheltered houses

Eclecticism in architecture

Ecological houses


Emergency housing

Engineering design

Entourage Architectural rendering

Environmental engineering

Ethnic architecture

Evidence-based design Research

Exhibition buildings Design and construction

Exoticism in architecture

Experimental houses

Exterior walls


Fantastic architecture

Fascism and architecture

Fashion and architecture

Feminism and architecture

Feng shui

See also: Harmony Aesthetics

Fire resistant materials

Flexible structures

Flexible structures Congresses

Follies Architecture


Framing Building

Functionalism Architecture

Futurism Architecture

Futurism Architecture Congresses

Geodesic domes

Glass construction

Graffito architecture

Green roofs Gardening

Green roofs Gardening Design and construction

Grotesque in architecture

Historic buildings

Historic buildings Conservation restoration

Historic buildings Guidebooks

Historic buildings Maintenance repair

Historic buildings New York State New York

Historic buildings Pictorial works

Historic buildings Remodeling for other use

     See also Historic buildings subdivided by place.


Hospital architecture

House construction

House painting

Housing and health

Identity Psychology in architecture

Industrial arts

Industrial design

Industrialized building

Interior architecture

Interior architecture Conservation and restoration

Interior architecture Designs and plans

Interior architecture Environmental aspects

Interior architecture Estimates

Interior architecture Philosophy

Interior architecture Social aspects

Interior architecture Standards

Interior architecture Standards Handbooks manuals etc.

Interior decoration Environmental aspects

Library architecture

Library buildings

Light in architecture

Lighting Architectural and decorative

Lightweight construction


Lofts Designs and plans

Lofts Remodeling for other uses

Lost architecture


Materials Catalogs

Materials Environmental aspects

Materials Government policy

Materials Health aspects

Materials Technological innovations


Mirrors in architecture


Modular construction

Modular coordination Architecture

Motion picture theaters Reconstruction

Moving of buildings, bridges, etc.

Museum architecture

Museum buildings

Museums Design and construction

Museums Designs and plans

Nanostructured materials

National socialism and architecture

Neoclassicism Architecture

Open spaces Social aspects

Organic architecture

Outdoor living spaces

Pavements Mosaic

Pavilions Design and construction

Personal space

Picture dictionaries English


Plasterwork Decorative

Prefabricated houses Congresses

Prefabricated interior architecture

Public architecture

Public buildings

Public buildings  Barrier free design

Public housing

Regionalism in architecture

Reinforced concrete construction

Resort architecture

Restaurants Design Themes motives

Roadside architecture


Rooftop architecture

Sandstone buildings

Seaside architecture

Schools of architecture Directories

Schools of architecture Economic aspects

Sick building syndrome

Sick building syndrome Prevention


Small houses

Small houses Decoration

Small houses Designs and plans

Socialist realism and architecture

Solar buildings

Solar buildings Design and construction

Space Architecture

Stair building

     See also: Staircases, Stairs

Structural design Data processing

Structural drawing

Structural engineering


Sustainable architecture

Sustainable architecture Forecasting

Sustainable architecture Pictorial works

Swimming pools

Symbolism in architecture

Symbolism in architecture Islamic countries

Synagogue architecture

System failures Engineering

Tensile architecture


Textiles in architecture

Theater architecture

Tile construction

Totalitarianism and architecture

Transparency in architecture

Universal design

Urban beautification

Urban renewal


Usonian houses

Vacation homes

Vernacular architecture

Visionary architecture


     See also:  Curtain walls ; Dry stone walls ; Interior walls

White in architecture


     See also: Lattice windows ; Metal windows



See also headings such as:

Architectural toys

Architecture for Humanity Organization

Avery Library Exhibitions

Iron industry and trade

Real estate appraisers Standards

Real property Valuation Standards

Steel industry and trade


The heading Architecture may be subdivided by style or time period such as:










Domestic Shingle style

Domestic Stick style

Early works to 1800











Modern 17th-18th centuries

Modern 19th century

Modern 20th century

Modern 21st century




Queen Anne



Retro (Style)





Spanish Colonial





See also headings such as:

Architecture India British influences

Hindu temples

Indian architecture

Indian architecture Central America

Indian architecture Mexico

Islamic architecture

Pueblo architecture

Pueblo Indians Dwellings


See also related headings:

Bohemianism in art

Color computer graphics

Computer-aided design

Entourage Architectural rendering

Isometric projection

Measured drawing

Mechanical drawing

Neoclassicism Architecture


Ratio and proportion

Structural design

Structural drawing


See also architects or architectural firms such as:

Arquitectonica Firm

Craftsman Workshops (Eastwood, Syracuse, N.Y.)

Gaudi, Antoni 1852-1926

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Michelangelo Buonarroti Contributions in architecture

Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Office of Charles and Ray Eames

SHoP Firm


Wright, Frank Lloyd

See also specific buildings or locations such as:

Avery Library

Empire State Building

Fallingwater Pa.

Flatiron Building

Fifth Avenue  New York NY Pictorial works

Glass House  New Canaan Conn.

Grand Central Terminal  New York, N.Y.

High Line  New York NY Park

New York NY Buildings structures etc.

Taj Mahal  Agra India

See also organizations such as:

New York Landmarks Conservancy

Architecture for Humanity Organization




Bathrooms Design and construction

Bathrooms Designs and plans

Bathrooms Remodeling

  See also: Plumbing fixtures ; Hot tubs



  See also: Cabinet hardware ; Cabinetmakers ; Hardware



Childrens rooms

Clean rooms

Clothes closets

Curtain walls

Dining rooms



Entrance halls

Exterior walls





  See also: Garden ornaments and furniture ; Garden rooms ; Garden structures ; Green roofs Gardening ; Greenhouses ; Indoor gardening ; Indoor gardens ; Interior landscaping ; Swimming pools

Glass construction

Graffito decoration


Hotel lobbies

Interior architecture

Interior decoration

Interior lighting

Interior walls


Kitchens Design and construction

Kitchens History

Kitchens History Encyclopedias

Kitchens Planning

Kitchens Remodeling

Kitchens Social aspects

Library decoration

Light in architecture


  See also: Commercial buildings Lighting ; Daylight ; Daylighting ; Dwellings Lighting ; Electric lamps ; Electric light fixtures ; Electric lighting ; Electric lighting Energy conservation ; Electric lighting Incandescent ; Fiber optics ; Fluorescent lighting ; Interior lighting ; Light emitting diodes

Lighting 21st century

Lighting Architectural and decorative

Lighting History

Living rooms


Lofts Decoration

Miniature decorative design

Miniature rooms



Mural painting and decoration


Office decoration

Office layout


Paint industry and trade

  See also: House painting ; Paint mixing ; Painting Industrial

Personal space

Plasterwork Decorative

Prefabricated interior architecture

Recreation rooms

Recreation rooms Humor

Restaurants Decoration

Room layout Dwellings

Safari lodges Decoration


Shelving for books


Small rooms



Stores Retail Designs and plans

  See also: Store decoration ; Shop fronts ; Showrooms ; Show-windows ; Store fixtures

Stencil work

Stencils and stencil cutting

Storage in the home


System failures Engineering

Trim carpentry

Varnish and varnishing

Veneers and veneering


Wallpaper Catalogs

Wallpaper Design

Wallpaper History 20th century

Wallpaper History 21st century

Wallpaper History Pictorial works

Wallpaper Reproduction

  See also: Paperhanging

Wallpaper Victorian


Windows in interior decoration


Wood finishing

Wood Identification

Wood Preservation

Wooden windows

Wooden doors


     See also: Carpentry ; Composite materials ; Do-it-yourself work ; Fretwork ; Hardwoods ; Machine-tools ; Marquetry ; Millwork ; Tile laying ; Tiles Maintenance and repair

See also details such as: Architectural ironwork ; Atriums , Bas-relief , Basements , Canopies Architectural , Ceilings , Chimneys , Decks Architectural , Domestic , Domes , Gargoyles , Ironwork , Porches , Roofs , Roofs Suspension , Rotundas , Shingles , Towers , Vaults Architecture , etc




Architect-designed furniture

Bamboo work

Bedroom furniture

Bedroom furniture industry


Bentwood furniture

Built-in furniture


Cabinetmakers Biography


Card tables

Cardboard furniture

Chair caning

Chair design

Chair design History 21st century


Chairs Repairing

Chairs Early American

  See also: Lawn chairs ; Rocker chairs ; Shaker chairs ; Swivel chairs ; Office furniture.


Children’s furniture

Children’s furniture Design

Color in furniture design

Country furniture



Eames chairs

Folding chairs

Folding tables


Furniture Catalogs

Furniture Collectors and collecting

Furniture Drawings

Furniture Expertising

Furniture Forgeries

Furniture History

Furniture History 20th century

Furniture History 21st century

Furniture History Encyclopedias

Furniture Marks

Furniture Repairing

Furniture Reproduction

Furniture Social aspects

Furniture Styles

Furniture Styles Encyclopedias

Furniture Valuation     

See also Furniture subdivided by country, nationality, or time period:

    Furniture Ancient

    Furniture Baroque

    Furniture Colonial

    Furniture Early American

    Furniture Edwardian

    Furniture Georgian

    Furniture Medieval

    Furniture Mission

    Furniture Oak

    Furniture Pennsylvania Dutch

    Furniture Pine

    Furniture Regency

    Furniture Renaissance

    Furniture Rococo

    Furniture Victorian

Furniture design

Furniture design Amateurs' manuals

Furniture design History 20th century

Furniture design History 21st century

Furniture designers

Furniture finishing

Furniture industry and trade

Furniture industry and trade Environmental aspects

Furniture industry and trade Foreign ownership

Furniture industry and trade Management

Furniture making

Furniture making Amateurs' manuals

Furniture painters

Furniture painting

Furniture workers

Hickory furniture

House furnishings

House furnishings Psychological aspects

House furnishings industry and trade

Lawn chairs

Manufacturing processes

Metal furniture

Miniature furniture

Office furniture

Painted country furniture

Painted furniture

Plastic furniture

Retro Style

Rocking chairs

Rosewood furniture China

Seating Furniture

Self-help devices for people with disabilities

Shaker chairs

Shaker furniture

Studio furniture


Turning (Lathe work)


Wicker furniture

Windsor chairs



For ergonomics see:  Human engineering ; Human comfort.

See also details such as:  Architectural ironwork ; Atriums , Bas-relief , Basements , Canopies Architectural , Ceilings , Chimneys , Decks Architectural , Domestic , Domes , Doors , Doorways , Fireplaces , Floors , Garden rooms , Gargoyles , Moldings , Porches , Roofs , Roofs Suspension , Rotundas , Shingles , Towers , Vaults Architecture , etc.

See also decorating treatments such as: Finishes and finishing ; Gilding ; Gilding Conservation and restoration ; Japanning ; Lacquer and lacquering ; Silvering ; Varnish and varnishing ; Veneers and veneering ; etc.

See also headings such as:

Ikea Firm

Knoll Associates Inc.

Phyfe, Duncan 1768-1854 Exhibitions




  See also: Antique dealers

Antiques in interior decoration


Architect-designed decorative arts

Art in interior decoration

Art objects

Bamboo work



  See also: Afghans Coverlets ; Blankets ; Coverlets ; Sheets


Books in interior decoration

Bowls Tableware



Brooms and brushes



Ceramics in interior decoration


Collectibles in interior decoration

Color decoration and ornament

Crystal glass


Cut glass

Decoration and ornament

Decoration and ornament Animal forms

Decoration and ornament Architectural

Decoration and ornament Plant forms

   See also Decoration and ornament subdivided by styles such as:  Art deco ;  Art nouveau

Decorative arts

Decorative cast-ironwork

Display of collectibles

Draperies in interior decoration


Drapery industry

Floor coverings    

   See also: Carpets ; Kilims ; Rugs ; Rug and carpet industry

Flower arrangement in interior decoration

Found objects Art in interior decoration

Furniture design

Glass art

Glass blowing and working

Glass lampshades

Glass painting and staining


House furnishings

House furnishings industry and trade

Household appliances

Household linens

  See also: Pillowcases ; Sheets ; Towels.

Household linens industry

Implements utensils

Indian craft

Industrial arts

Industrial design

Industrial design Social aspects

Industrial equipment in interior decoration

Interior decoration accessories

Interior decoration accessories History

Interior decoration accessories Themes motives



Kitchen appliances

Kitchen utensils

Kitchens Equipment and supplies


   See also: Incandescent lamps


Longcase clocks

   See also: Clocks and watches


Mirrors Frames

Mirrors in architecture


Mosaics Technique

New products Design

Outdoor living spaces Decoration

Paper flowers

Paper work


Party decorations


Picture frames and framing



Plastics in interior decoration

Plates Tableware





Product design

Product design History

Product design Philosophy

Product design Social aspects

Repetitive patterns Decorative arts

Retro Style


    See also: Inscription rugs ; Islamic rugs ; Kilims ; Rag rugs ; Rugs Asia Central ; Rugs Hooked ; Rugs Nomadic ;  Rugs Middle East ; Rugs Oriental ; Rugs Oriental Turkey ; Rugs, Persian ; Rugs, Prayer ; Rugs Tibetan ; Rug and carpet industry ; Woolen goods industry ; etc.

Safety appliances

Screen painting



Shelving for books

Shoji screens

Shoji screens Design and construction


     See also: Flatware ; Silver flatware

Storage in the home


Stoves Wood

Table setting and decoration

See also: Napkin folding



Tea making accessories

  See also: Japanese tea ceremony Utensils


Textile fabrics in interior decoration

  See also: Slip covers ; Textile design ; Textile fabrics ; Upholstery



Trunks (Luggage)


Victoriana in interior decoration

Wall coverings

Wall hangings

Wall panels

Wedding decorations

Window shades

  See also: Cornices ; Draperies ; Lattice windows ; Valances (Windows) ; etc.


See also: related headings such as: Do-it-yourself work ; Repairing ; Workshops ; Secondhand trade ; Flea markets ; Junk trade

See also treatments such as: Finishes and finishing ; Gilding ; Gilding Conservation and restoration ; Japanning ; Lacquer and lacquering ; Silvering ; Varnish and varnishing ; Veneers and veneering

See also: Artificial flowers ; Bonsai ; Cut flowers ; Dried flower arrangement ; Driftwood arrangement ; Floral decorations ; Flower arrangement ; Flower arrangement Japanese ; Flower arrangement in interior decoration ; Flower arrangers ; Flower language ; House plants ; House plants in interior decoration ; Indoor gardening ; Lavenders ; Miniature flower arrangement ; Nature craft ; Paper flowers ; Potpourris Scented floral mixtures ; Silk flower arrangement ; etc.

See also:  Shelter magazines ; Home & Garden Television


See also specific structures such as: Abbeys , Adobe houses , Adult day care centers , Airport buildings , Airport terminals , Apartment houses , Arts facilities , Asylums , Atrium buildings , Barns , Brick houses , Bridges , Bungalows , Castles , Catholic church buildings , Coffeehouses , College buildings , Commercial buildings , Condominiums , Congregate housing , Cottages , Country homes , Department stores , Diners Restaurants , Doghouses , Ecological houses , Elementary school buildings , Fallout shelters , Follies (Architecture) ; Half-timbered houses , High-rise apartment buildings , High school buildings , Historic hotels , Hotels , Housing Single family , Huts , Log cabins , Manors , Mansions , Minarets , Nursing homes , Office buildings , Old age homes , Outhouses , Palaces , Pavilions ; Prefabricated houses , Prisons , Psychiatric hospitals , Public housing , Railroad terminals , Ranch houses , Restaurants , Roadside architecture , Row houses , Safari lodges , School buildings , Shopping malls , Single story houses , Skyscrapers , Stores Retail , Tall buildings , Taverns Inns , Temples Roman , Tree houses , Vacation homes , Yurts , etc.

See also specific details such as: Architectural ironwork ; Atriums , Bas-relief , Basements , Canopies Architectural , Ceilings , Chimneys , Decks Architectural , Domestic , Domes , Doors , Doorways , Fireplaces , Floors , Garden rooms , Gargoyles , Ironwork , Moldings , Porches , Roofs , Roofs Suspension , Rotundas , Shingles , Towers , Vaults Architecture , etc





See Garden & Landscaping headings such as: Arboretums ; Arts and crafts gardens ; Botanical gardens ; Exotic plants ; Floriculture ; Flowers ; Flowers Varieties ; Fountains ; Garden cities ; Garden ornaments and furniture ; Garden structures ; Gardening ; Gardening History ; Gardens ; Gardens design , American ; Gates ; Greenhouses ; Landscape architects ; Landscape architectural drawings ; Landscape architecture ; Landscape design ; Landscape gardening ; Outdoor living spaces ; Patios ; Plants, Ornamental ; Plazas ; Seasons ; Urban landscape architecture ; Urban parks ; Water gardens ; Women landscape architects ; etc.

See also headings such as: Campus planning , Municipal lighting , Parking lots , Pedestrian areas , Public spaces , Public spaces in literature , Self-help devices for people with disabilities , Street lighting , etc.

See also places such as:  High Line New York NY Park ; Chateau de Versailles (Versailles, France) ; etc.

See also imaginary places such as: Ecstacity (Imaginary place)

See also: Flower arrangement in interior decoration ; Flower arrangers ; Flower language ; Indoor gardening ; Lavenders ; Nature craft ; etc.