American Apparel Manufacturers Association. Directory: Members & Associate Members. Arlington, VA: AAMA, annual. Includes directory of contractors.
Main Stacks HD 9940 .U3 A58a
List of members with web sites also available online
American Apparel Producers’ Network. Guide to Sourcing. Atlanta, GA: AAPN, 2000.
Main Stacks HD 9940 .U3 A564 Sept. 2000
American Sportswear & Knitting Times. Buyers’ Guide: The Guide to Products and Services for the Apparel and Textile Industry. New York: National Knitwear and Sportswear Association, 2000.
Main Stacks HD 9940 .U3 A69 2000
Directory of International Apparel Industry Trade Shows. Prepared by the Canadian Apparel Federation. New York: Fashiondex, annual.
Main Stacks HD 9940 .A1 D57
Directory of the New York State Apparel and Sewn Products Industry. Ithaca, NY: Apparel Industry Outreach, Cornell University; New York: Garment Industry Development Corporation, 2000.
Main Stacks HD 9940 .U5 N645 2000
Fashion Center Black Book. 1997 ed. New York: NYC Infomat, 1997.
Main Stacks TT 495 .F34 1997
Also available online:
The Fashion Center New York City:
Footwear Industries of America. SoleSource: The Footwear Industry Directory. Washington, DC: FIA, 1994-c1999.
Main Stacks HD 9787 .U4 S65
Available in part online: AAFA Memebership Directory and AAFA Suppliers Resource Directory
Garment Manufacturers Index. Littlerock, CA: Klevens Publications, annual.
Main Stacks TT 495 .G37 Non-circulating
For additional suggestions of online directories, consult the Library’s Internet Guide, Apparel Industry on the Web.