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Citing Sources: APA

Online Forecast

Forecast ReportsThe APA Manual does not give examples for how to cite forecasting reports so FIT Librarians have constructed the following suggestions based on the format for websites. Always check your assignment or ask your professor to see what their requirements are!

Craggs, H. (2018, October 24). Colour Evolution A/W 20/21. WGSN. Retrieved from

In this example there is no one person listed as the author so we have listed the Company (Doneger) as the author.

Doneger Creative Services. (2020, Spring/Summer). Hyperreal/Women's Inspiration Spring/Summer 2020. Retrieved from's-Inspiration-2.html

Print Forecast

Print ForecastFor a print forecast, follow the citation format for a book. Note that Doneger Creative Services is being treated as the author and the publisher in the example below.


Entire forecast book:

Doneger Creative Services. (2015).  Design Concept: Spring /Summer 2018. New York, NY: Doneger Creative Services.