Online images are cited similarly to a website. It is not required but you may want to add the description "[digital image]" after the title of the image for clarification.
If the the picture was found using Google Images do NOT cite Google as the publisher, visit the original page and use information from the website that is hosting the picture.
Basic Format:
Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day of Publication). Title of image. Title of Website. URL
Souza, P. (2016, October 26). President Obama, Vice President Biden and members of his national security team [digital image]. NPR.
Artwork from Museum Website:
van Gogh, V. (1887). Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat (obverse: The Potato Peeler) [Painting]. The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, United States.
Instagram Post:
For the author put the group or individual name first (if known) then the username in brackets. If there is no title for the image provide a short description in italics (some people use the first few words of the image caption.) Since it is technically a description and not the official title it does not get quotes around it.
Dressed Podcast [@Dressed_Podcast]. (2019, January 8). 20,000 followers! [digital image]. Instagram.
Although this image is almost identical to the image from the Metropolitan Museum of Art's website some of the information in the ARTSTOR database is slightly different from the Metropolitan Museum of Art's ("verso" instead of "obverse", "probably 1887" instead of "1887"). Whenever possible try to copy citation information word for word.
Remember also that some database URLs expire at the end of your session, meaning copying and pasting from your browser's address bar will give you a link that won't work later. Look for a permalink to get a link that permanently maps to the image.
van Gogh, V. (probably 1887). Self-portrait with a Straw Hat (verso: The Potato Peeler). JSTOR.
Original Artwork in Museum:
(When citing the original artwork include the city the museum is located in. Add a note about the medium in brackets [ ] for clarification.)
van Gogh, V. (1887). Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat (obverse: The Potato Peeler) [Painting]. The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, United States.
If you're citing a painting from a book, cite the book. Just be sure to reference the page the painting appears on in your in text citation. Note that in this example The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the publisher.
Pickvance, R. (1984). Van Gogh in Arles. New York, NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.