Sorry, there's no section of the library devoted to 1960s fashion!
Searching for fashion by a specific decade can be tricky because the same time period can be described several different ways and information about a decade may be found in several different sections of the library. There is no one phrase that will bring back all the clothing of a decade so try a few different searches to see what works. Here are some suggestions of searches to start with. Get creative and add some of your own!
1960s Nineteen sixties 60s 60s fashion Mod fashion Hippie fashion
Here are some other tips for researching by a decade:
E169.02 .S55
HF6161.C44 S36 2007
TT852 .F64
TT504.6 .G7 S95
GT738 .A76
TT507 .R346
GT615 .H373
GT596 .W37
GT596 .W54
TT505 .B28 M5732
GT615 .E886
TT505 .C3 H4713
TT504.6 .F7 H55
GT596 .C66 1990
GT615 .P65 1998
Please note, some of our magazines are available digitally and some are only available in print in the Periodicals room on the 4th floor for in-library use. Visit our Periodicals LibGuide to see all of our periodicals by decade.
April -June 1927; Jan-Mar 1928; Jan 1933-Current (with gaps). Monthly Vogue Archive: all issues (FIT username and password required for access) (Earlier issues available in Special Collections) Widely-regarded as the most influential American fashion magazine; features articles and images by leading fashion critics, photographers, stylists, illustrators, designers and models
1936-1972 and 1978-2000
Life Magazine was the equivalent to the blog of the day. Great source for news, pop culture, the arts, advertisements and photojournalism.
August 1979 (v92 n2)-Current. 8x per year Formerly Esquire Fortnightly Men’s magazine covering men’s fashion and clothes, culture and entertainment and advice on money matte
1930-Current. Monthly microfilm: November 1867-December 1923; January 1975-December 1976 The Harper's Bazaar Archive: November 2, 1867-Current (FIT username and password required for access) (Earlier Issues available in Special Collections) Leading American high fashion magazine.
November 1969 (v25 n1)-September 2016 (v71 n11). 11x per year Incorporating Ebony Man: EM Features African-Americans in politics, business and the arts. Earlier issues (1955-2001) available on microfilm
June 1949 (v105 n6)-Current. Monthly Features articles and images by leading fashion critics, photographers, stylists, illustrators, designers and models