Users are required to create an individual account:
1. Register for an account using link on our Library database page, using your FIT email.Contains images, 360 degree panoramas, and descriptions of physical and digital window displays in a real-time, searchable database of community-generated content that provides data on what retail environments look like around the world with coverage from 1931 to present.
These Forecasts are restricted to current FIT students, faculty and staff. Visitors may only view the past issues of these forecasts.
The Current Seasons are S/S 2023, F/W 2023/24, and S/S 2024.
(Please note: we may not have each forecast for each season. If we do not have the forecast you requested, we will ask if you would like to see the forecast from a different season or substitute a different forecast from the same season)
Registered WGSN login required.
Use these guides for tips on creating scrapbooks, colour cards, folders and image collections for your projects.
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