"Our infatuation with Poiret’s groundbreaking endeavors in luxury lifestyle branding has been slaked only slightly by the acquisition of the catalog ‘Les Parfums de Rosine,’ which details Rosine’s offerings during the early 1920s. Principally known for their perfumes, the catalog details more obscure offerings including travel-size products, perfumed sachets, cosmetics including eyeliner and nail polish as well as our favorite: cigarettes perfumed with Rosine scents!"
Also search OneSearch by company or person's name, e.g. Evyan or Coco Chanel.
Aveline, Françoise. Chanel : Perfume. New York: Assouline, 2003.
Main Stacks HD9999 .P3934 C5 2003
Barillé, Elisabeth. Coty: Parfumeur and Visionary. 1st ed. Paris: Editions Assouline, 1996?
Main Stacks Oversize TP 983.A66 C6813
Burr, Chandler. The Emperor of Scent : a Story of Perfume, Obsession, and the Last Mystery of the Senses. New York: Random House, 2002.
Main Stacks QP458 .B83 2002
Burr, Chandler. The Perfect Scent : a year inside the perfume industry in Paris and New York. New York : Henry Holt, 2008
Main Stacks HD9999.P3932 B87 2008
Dayagi-Mendeles, Mikhal. Perfumes and Cosmetics in the Ancient World. Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 1989.
Main Stacks TP 983 .D39 1989
Dove, Roja. The Essence of Perfume. London : Black Dog, 2008.
Main Stacks TP983 .E87 2008
Ellena, Jean-Claude. Perfume : The Alchemy of Scent. New York : Arcade Pub., 2011.
Main Stacks TP983 .E3813 2011
Genders, Roy. A History of Scent. London: H. Hamilton, 1972.
Main Stacks TP 983.G38 1972
Lefkowith, Christie Mayer. Masterpieces of the Perfume Industry. New York: Editions Stylissimo, 2000.
Main Stacks NK 5440.B6 L384 2000
Lyttelton, Celia. The Scent Trail : how one woman’s quest for the perfect perfume took her around the world.
New York : New American Library, 2007.
Main Stacks GT2340 .L98 2007
Magnan, Pierre. The Essence of Provence: The Story of L'Occitane. New York: Arcade Pub., 2003.
Main Stacks HD9970.5.C674 O2313 2003
Morris, Edwin T. Fragrance: The Story of Perfume From Cleopatra to Chanel. New York: Scribner, 1984.
Main Stacks TP 983.M86 1984
Trueman, John. The Romantic Story of Scent. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975.
Main Stacks GT 2340.T78
Williams, David G. Perfumes of Yesterday. Port Washington, NY: Micelle Press, 2004.
Main Stacks TP983 .W48 2004
Curtis, Tony and David G. Williams. Introduction to Perfumery. New York; London: Ellis Horwood, 1994.
Main StacksMain Stacks TP 983 .C87 1994
Dictionnaire des Parfums = Dictionary of Perfumes. Paris; New York: Editions Sermadiras, 9e ed. 1987-88.
Main Stacks TP 983 .A6 D53
Edwards, Michael. Perfume Legends: French Feminine Fragrances. Levallois, France: HM Editions, 1996.
Main Stacks GT 2340 .E38 1996
Fragrance & Olfactory Dictionary & Directory. New York: Fragrance Foundation, 1981.
Main Stacks TP 983.F62 1981
Gaborit, Jean-Yves. Perfumes: The Essences and Their Bottles. New York: Rizzoli, 1985.
Main Stacks TP 938.G2513 1985
Groom, N. St. J. Perfume: The Ultimate Guide to the World’s Finest Fragrances. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1999.
Reference Desk Directory K TP 983.G74 1999
Haarman & Reimer. Fragrance Guide: Fragrances on the International Market. 4th rev. and updated ed. Hamburg: Glöss Verlag, c1997.
Main Stacks TP 983.F65 1997
Herman, Barbara. Scent & subversion : decoding a century of provocative perfume .Guilford, Connecticut : Lyons Press, an imprint of Globe Pequot Press, [2013]
Main Stacks GT2340 .H46 2013
Herman, Stephen J. Fragrance Applications : A Survival Guide. Carol Stream,IL: Allured Publishing Corp., 2002.
Main Stacks TP983 .H47 2002
Lefkowith, Christie Mayer. Masterpieces of the Perfume Industry. New York: Editions Stylissimo, 2000.
Main Stacks NK 5440.B6 L384 2000
Malle, Frédéric. On Perfume Making. Berlin : Angelika, c2011.
Main Stacks Oversize HD9999.P3933 F76 2011
Moran, Jan. Fabulous Fragrances: How to Select Your Perfume Wardrobe: The Women's Guide to Prestige Perfumes. Beverly Hills: Crescent House, 1994.
Main Stacks TP 983.M817 1994
Newman, Cathy. Perfume: The Art and Science of Scent. [Washington, DC]: National Geographic Society, 1998.
Main Stacks TP 983.N45 1998
Perfumery: The Psychology and Biology of Fragrance. Edited by Steve Van Toller and George H. Dodd. London; New York: Chapman and Hall, 1988.
Main Stacks TP 983.P36 1988
Perfumes: Art, Science and Technology. Ed. by P.M. Müller and D. Lamparsky. London; New York: Elsevier, 1991.
Main Stacks TP 983.P365 1991
Rimmel, Eugene. Book of Perfumes 2nd ed. Whitefish, MT : Kessinger Publishing Co., [2004?]. [Note: Originally published: London : Chapman and Hall, 1865.]
Main Stacks TP983 .R46 2004
Secondini, Olindo. Handbook of Perfumes and Flavors. New York: Chemical Pub. Co., 1990.
Main Stacks TP 983. S4 1990
Sell, Charles. Understanding fragrance chemistry . Carol Stream, IL : Allured, 2008.
Main Stacks TP 983 .S45 2008
Turin, Luca, and Tania Sanchez. The Little Book of Perfumes : The Hundred Classics. New York : Viking, 2011.
Main Stacks TP983 .T868 2011
Williams, Tessa, Cult perfumes : the world’s most exclusive perfumeries London ; New York : Merrell, 2013.
Main Stacks TP983 .W49 2013
NEW! "8 out of the top 10 global premium fragrance houses are fashion brands" according to Passport (Euromonitor), viewed March 3, 2015. Log into Passport database to see the detailed market share chart
Different takes on the connection?
"BCBG Max Azria is a lifestyle brand and fragrance is an important part of that,” said Azria. “It started with a dress, and for 25 years, we have been known for dresses, especially for occasions and special moments. Our brand mission is to make women look beautiful and feel confident. Fragrance is the final touch.” WWD Online 4/30/14
"He was a complete failure in economic terms. I mean, he made only a handful of dresses, and there are no perfumes associated with his name." Valerie Steele, curator of the Museum at FIT, on Charles James in Style.Com
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